Forlaget Columbus

Links - Literature Past and Present

Essay writing

Essay writing on the subject of love, the American Dream and Hemingway’s writing style.

Write a paper about the American dream as it is portrayed in “The Great Gatsby”.
You must answer the question: Is the American dream still alive?

President Obama’s campaign speech on the American Dream must be taken into consideration.
“We need to reclaim the American Dream”, he said then.

Does that mean that it is dead? And what could be the cause of that?

“I wouldn’t be standing on this stage today if it weren’t for the dreams of those who came before me and … the dreams of the my father who crossed an ocean because America offered that light to the world”, are two significant quotes from that speech that should be considered in your paper.

Write a paper on the subject of heroism.
Is Jay Gatsby a hero or a villain or maybe something in-between?
Make a comparison between William Shakespeare’s character Othello and the Great Gatsby and decide if they are flawed heroes.

Ernest Hemingway only reveals the tip of the iceberg in most of his work. Thus the reader has to figure out for himself/herself what the characters think and what lies beneath their actions.
Explain what is wrong in the marriage in the short story “Cat in the Rain”.
Why is the couple living abroad?
In a stream of consciousness write about what the young wife’s need for a cat is really about 4:
Write an essay on the subject of unrequited love.
How does the fact that Gatsby’s love for Daisy turns out to be unrequited effect the course of events in “The Great Gatsby”?
How does the change from rags to riches serve as the catalyst that helped transform Gatsby’s life? And is it an altogether positive change?
Compare Gatsby’s love of Daisy to Othello’s love of Desdemona.

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