Forlaget Columbus

UK Now

Task 9.2 Analyse: A Better Form of Capitalism

Read and analyse the editorial “A Better Form of Capitalism is Possible” from the Financial Times, December 30, 2020.

Task 9.3 Discuss: Fighting Inequality in the UK

Watch the 12-minute documentary film “Fighting Inequality in the UK” (Ben Crowe, 2019). The film follows activists from West London, Brighton and Stockton-on-Tees who strive to build a better future for people in their local communities.

Task 9.4 Discuss: Should Britain Abolish Private Schools?

Watch the YouTube videos “Should We Abolish Private Schools” (The Guardian, 2019) (7 min.) and “Private Schools: A Public Disaster?” (TRT World, 2019) (26 min.).

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