Forlaget Columbus

A United States? Elevkonkurrence 2024


  • Stjerner og striber
    DR's podcast Stjerner og striber tager hver uge temperaturen på den amerikanske præsidentvalgkamp. Hvad er på spil, og hvad betyder det amerikanske præsidentvalg for os i Europa? Medvirkende: Stephanie Surrugue, Lasse Engelbrecht, Sandra Brovall og Lasse Berg Sørensen samt diverse gæster.
  • Kampagnesporet
    Værterne Mads Fuglede og David Trads går hver uge i dybden med USA - lige fra Trump, Biden, Kongressen og delstaterne til identitetspolitik, våbenkultur, abortlovgivning, burgere og Dolly Parton. Kort sagt alt det, der fascinerer og skræmmer ved ‘den uomgængelige nation’. Du kan finde podcasten på forskellige platforme.
  • Checks and Balance
    This podcast from The Economist unlocks American politics by taking a big theme each week and digging into the data, the ideas, and the history shaping the country. The hosts talk to politicians, pollsters, academics and people across the country about the great experiment of American democracy. Published every Friday.
  • Politics Weekly America
    Every Friday, Guardian columnist and former Washington correspondent, Jonathan Freedland, invites experts to help analyse the latest in American politics. From politicians to journalists covering the White House and beyond, Jonathan and his guests give listeners behind the scenes access to how the American political machine works.
  • Americast
    The weekly US news and politics podcast from BBC News, Americast investigates the social and cultural issues that define America today. Is Joe Biden too old to win another go in the White House? What does Donald Trump’s latest criminal charge mean for the Republican campaign? And why have issues such as LGBT rights, global warming and the war effort in Ukraine become so divisive across the US political spectrum? From foreign policy to pop culture, Americast keeps listeners up to date and in the know about the stories that matter with on-the-ground insights from right across the US.
  • The Daily
    New York Times’ nyheds-podcast med daglige udsendelser på ca. 20 minutter om amerikansk og international politik. For eksempel handlede de to første afsnit i 2024 om henholdsvis Trumps og Bidens ‘drejebog’ frem mod præsidentvalget.

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